The UNIDO Pharos Training Workshop in Indonesia was initiated and implemented by State Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia - MoRT (or RISTEK in Indonesian abbreviation), UNIDO (Vienna) and ICS (Trieste, Italy). The workshop organization was implemented by Management of Innovation & Technology Center (MIT, operating under MoRT/RISTEK) headed by Mr. Ardito M Kodijat, General Manager. The event took place in Millennium Hotel Sirih, Jakarta on 31 July - 04 August 2006.
The objectives of the workshop were as follows:
Among 22 participants of the Workshop there were entrepreneurs and executives from enterprises and trainer/consultants from major industrial areas of Indonesia including 9 trainers/consultants and 11 entrepreneurs from 13 major cities located on 6 islands (Pasuruan and Surabaya - East Java, Subang and Bogor - West Java, Yogyakarta - Central Java, Makassar- South Sulawesi, Riau - Pekanbaru and Jakarta. Most of the trainers/consultants were professionals involved in implementation of training in various institutions or business consultants and members of the network of experts collaborating with the MIT Centre in providing assistance to SMEs in Indonesia. The group of entrepreneurs consisted of managers and enterprise owners.
The workshop programme included 4 days of training covering Pharos, Produce Plus, FIT software applications and case studies developed in UNIDO upgrading programmes over the previous years.
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