Smart Governance Monitor

The Local and Regional Governance become more focused, effective and easy when supported by integrated holistic vision of ongoing processes in urban areas. The Smart City Monitor presents this information and helps in command and control proving simple and easy understandable vision of results in real time. It fosters prompt corrective actions, improved control in the administration of urban processes and managing sustainability in accordance to major international standards.  

The advanced platform Smart City Monitor supports Smart Governance tasks based on actual evidence information automatically received from large number of diverse data sources and transformed into customized information services and controls by locally defined urban model key performance indicators. The holistic performance and analytics regarding the city and its specific areas can be accessed by employees using their mobile devices anytime and anywhere.

The platform allows integrating best practices of local governance in compliance with existing or newly developed international standards such as

  • ISO 37120 “Sustainable development of communities — Indicators for city services and quality of life” for all theme-objects and core indicators.
  • ISO/DIS 37101 Sustainable development of communities -- Management systems -- Requirements with guidance for resilience and smartness
  • ISO/TR 37150:2014 Smart community infrastructures -- Review of existing activities relevant to metrics
  • ISO/DTS 37151 Smart community infrastructure metrics
  • ISO/DTR 37152 Smart community infrastructures -- Common framework for development and operation

The Smart Governance Monitor enables automatic access to large number of diverse local data sources including data centers, databases, IoT sensors, SCADAs (water, waste, etc) and information exchange with other regional servers supporting Smart Governance in particular urban areas and islands. In addition to variety of digital services provided to residents and tourists online, it allows calculation of in integrated performance indicators on Regional Smart Governance server for all its focus objects areas, objects and its presentation to relevant stakeholders.

The solution supports monitoring, analysis, benchmarking and simulations of results of governance policies based on evidence data, evaluation or risks and optional responses.

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Smart CIty Monitor
